Princess Bride – Story Writing Presentation

“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
We all have our favourite stories, but just how can I write a good story? 
Many of us struggle with story writing, we find difficulty understanding the purpose, the audience, or the value of the story.  Poor stories lead to confusion and a variety of problems later in the process. There is so much value in getting well written stories. A good story can dramatically improve the development of a product, enhance communication and make the experience far smoother. 
Well… it may seem obvious to say but you need to start at the beginning, you need great characters and an great vision.
Please join Rose and John in a ‘Story Writing’ lunch and learn, we will review some of the steps and tools that can help with the art of story writing, and answer some questions on the topic.

Attached is a story writing presentation written by Rose Hemlock and John Yorke as a brief introduction to the importance of quality story writing.
